How to Roast Fresh Whole Pumpkin

By , On October 22nd, 2013, In: Dairy Free, Egg Free, Nut Free, Paleo/Grain Free, Vegan

Home » Dairy Free » How to Roast Fresh Whole Pumpkin


  • Organic Pie Pumpkins
  • Sea Salt
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil

If you are wondering why in Palm Beach county there is an organic pumpkin shortage, it’s because I am buying them up, roasting and freezing them all!

I cannot get enough pumpkin.  I want to have my pumpkin and eat it too, both in and out of season!  I even did a pumpkin mask the other day! Oh la la was it tasty as I licked my face clean…… ha ha not really.

However, I do have an amazing pumpkin mask my friend got for me.  She is an anti-aging esthetician.  I am banking on all the super foods and vitamins I eat to cover me in the aging process, but it never hurts to get a little help!


So where was I… oh right, roasting fresh pumpkin for your recipes is the best for your health,  great tasting, and not to mention, you will get more for your money.   If you are going this route, make it worth your while and get a good size pumpkin (or two little ones will do just fine).  You will also get an amazing treat roasting those pumpkin seeds.


Did you know that the pumpkin seed is valued for it’s source of zinc and antioxidants!?  Research shows that when eating the whole seed, the white outer shell is the best for you; however, eating the little greenish seed is still full of nutrients.

Directions for Roasting Whole Pumpkin:

1. Preheat oven to 350.
2. Rinse the pumpkin off. Poke a few holes with a sharp knife around the whole pumpkin.
3. Bake up to 1 1/2 hours for bigger pumpkins and about an hour for smaller ones.
4. If you can stick a knife in easily you know it is done. Let it cool for 30 minutes.


After pumpkin cools for 10 minutes cut it in half and let it cool another 20 minutes. I was able to use a sharp peeler to cut skin off. If you overcook pumpkin the shell will be too soft.

Directions for Roasting Seeds:

1.  Separate the seeds from the stringy flesh and rinse.
2.  Spread them on a cookie sheet or stoneware and coat 1 tablespoon of coconut oil over seeds.
3.  Sea salt the seeds lightly and roast for 20 minutes at 350 degrees or until slight golden color.


If you are baking a good size pie pumpkin, save your hands from trying to karate chop it in half and just poke holes in the sides and roast.  If you buy a few small pie pumpkins, you can cut them in half and put them in a baking dish, hollow side down with an of inch water. Take the seeds out if you cut the small pumpkins in half.  I have heard the smaller ones tend to be sweeter but I didn’t notice much difference, personally. I also used a sharp peeler to take the skin off.  Freeze 1 cup cut chunks of pumpkin in mini ziplock bags for use in soups (I have a dairy-free creamy pumpkin soup coming), muffins, pies, etc.


Use small bags to freeze 1 cup at a time. Otherwise they will freeze together and it’s hard to separate when using it.

I hope you get some pumpkin on your face too,


P.S.  If you really would like some pumpkin (mask) on your face  check out my Anti-Aging Esthetician Friends site, she does it all!


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One Comment on "How to Roast Fresh Whole Pumpkin"

  1. Danielle October 23, 2013 at 8:20 pm - Reply

    Amazing – Day has been asking for pumpkin pie this year and is also looking forward to roasting the seeds. I just might give this a try! =)

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