We are so thrilled you all enjoyed the Chia Seed Health Tip Video and happily I have heard many of you went out and bought some! As promised here is our next “short” video!
In this video we share some researched health benefits, but there are so many amazing reasons why you should add a spoonful of this super food to your diet! In trying to keep the video short and sweet I didn’t mention a few important benefits you might be interested in!
Did you know coconut oil scientifically can help you BURN FAT and LOOSE WEIGHT all the while helping your satisfy your hunger!!!! I know, how could I forget that important benefit only the whole world is obsessed with a smaller waist line!
The other important benefit I adore is this oil has lauric acid which can kill bacteria, viruses and fungi {great for candida} as well as help stave off infections!! I can’t help but put exclamations after each sentence because I get so excited about this food science stuff!!!!!
You might be surprised to learn what other incredible benefits this yummy oil has. See you in the kitchen……..
[vimeo id=”89973333″ width=”620″ height=”360″]
P.S. Here is the first video if you missed it! {https://spoonfulofhealth.com/health-tips-video/}
With a Spoonful or two of Coconut oil,