Kale Chips with Ranch-O-Yum Dressing {dairy & gluten free}

By , On January 10th, 2014, In: Candida, Dairy Free, Egg Free, FreeDiet™- phase 1, FreeDiet™- phase 2, Lunch/Dinner, Nut Free, Paleo/Grain Free, Vegan

~ 15 minutes
Home » Candida » Kale Chips with Ranch-O-Yum Dressing {dairy & gluten free}


  • 2 small bunches green and purple kale
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 1/8 teaspoon sea salt
  • few dashes pepper (omit for FreeDiet™ phase 1)
  • Ranch-O-Yum Dressing


Kale has become so popular we might just see people giving bouquets of it soon!  It is a super food and full of good stuff, to say the least.

I love making kale chips because it’s so easy and palatable to those who otherwise don’t like kale.  I have to say, dipping these crispy green fluffs in my Ranch-O-Yum dressing make it especially addicting!


2 small bunches green & purple kale
1/4 cup coconut oil {learn more)
1/8 teaspoon sea salt
few dashes black pepper  (omit for FreeDiet™ phase 1)
Ranch-O-Yum Dressing {click here for recipe}

1.  Preheat oven to 300 degrees.
2. Rinse kale and break away from stem into mouth size pieces.
3.  Dry well and place on a cookie sheet.
4.  Mix salt and pepper into oil and toss kale in oil rubbing all the leaves well.
5.  Bake for 15 minutes in oven tossing kale at least once so they do not burn.


Tasting a leaf to make sure it has enough flavor is helpful before baking it.  I have dashed cayenne pepper over the kale on the cookie sheet {or just plain ol’ flavorful pepper}!  Make it your own and try dill, fennel, or garlic powder!  I have seen many recipes on how to cook kale chips, but I find slow cooking {15 min verses 7} at a lower temperature {300 rather than 350} is best in preserving the nutrients and still getting that crispy texture.

I hope you get a bouquet of purple and green kale!

With a bite full of crispy health,



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One Comment on "Kale Chips with Ranch-O-Yum Dressing {dairy & gluten free}"

  1. Ruth Samuels October 18, 2024 at 3:39 pm - Reply

    Sounds delicious !

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