With all of the New Year’s hopes to eat healthier, here is one yummy smoothie to add to your repertoire that will help you reach your goals! It is healthy for you but has that oh so creamy, smooth, sweet and satisfying experience that will leave your taste buds pleasantly surprised! You might even hear yourself say, “this is too good to be true!”
If you have come to know me, you will gather this is the “norm” for my recipes. I don’t personally want to feel deprived of flavor and at the same time I do not and will not sacrifice my health with eating foods that rob my body of vitality!
I wanted to highlight the protein that we suggest for our patients at our Natural Medicine Clinic and I use in this recipe. Let me give you a little history on why we love this protein. It took the good Doc. a bit of research to find a clean, GMO free, organic, high quality and reasonable source to bring on board with our Natural Medicine Formulas.
Not all proteins can be treated equal. Over the years we have tried many brands. They either have too much sugar or artificial sweeteners, ingredients that are not organic or GMO free, had to much rice, not enough protein to make it worth it, poor quality yadda, yadda, yadda. Over and over we would say, “I do not like them here or there”….
Dr. Seuss comes to mind….Would you? Could you? In a car? Eat them! Eat them! Here they are. Blend them! Blend them! Gag them down. You may like them you have found.
NO whey, no how, I feel the flem coming now. You may like them in a moat! I would not, could not in a moat! I feel like my belly will bloat!
You may like them. You will see. You may like this brand of GMO free Pea! You do not like them. So you say. Try them! Try them! And you may. Try them and you may, I say.
Ok! Ok! If you will let me be, I will try them. You will see. Say! I like this GMO free Pea! And I would eat them in a moat! And I would eat them without any bloat.
Well I really didn’t see that coming either! So thanks for hanging in there with me while I had some fun with a childhood favorite story, “Green Eggs and Ham” by one of our favorite Dr.’s! Also no way, no how would I eat green eggs and ham! Let’s just get back to the green pea, pretty please {wink wink}!
So needless to say, the Pea Protein passes all of the important particulars. It is clean, organic, soy, rice, gluten and dairy free. As well as, sugar free and non-GMO. It tastes great and is naturally sweetened with stevia and vanilla. Many of our patients are ok with whey protein and we have that option too. For those of you who have problems with dairy, rice or egg proteins this is a great option with a delicious 23 grams of protein in one serving.
We are happy to tell you this pea protein is independently tested for authenticity, potency, gluten, heavy metals, aflatoxins, stability, bacteria, yeast and mold counts. The Psyllium adds 7 grams fiber and is free from artificial flavors/colors that other brands use. The Doc who is very picky and has high standards follows this protocol with all the herbs and supplements we use in the clinic. I am sure there is a direct correlation to why we see amazing changes in patient’s health and in their blood work after taking the brands/formulas we use.
We would like you to SAVE $5 off your order of the Organic Pea Protein and the Psyllium Husk Powder from our Natural Medicine Formula line {order here}. This special expires 2.10.15 and while supplies last so make sure you take advantage of this offer now!
With a Spoonful of Health,