Some Holiday Favorites {paleo, vegan, refined sugar & gluten free}

By , On December 22nd, 2014, In: Sweets

Home » Sweets » Some Holiday Favorites {paleo, vegan, refined sugar & gluten free}



I wanted to share with you a few of my personal favorite desserts and these happen to be the high traffic recipes visited on my site too!  You can get your Merry on because all of these deserts are clean eating and delicious which means no guilt!

As I addressed, stamped and sealed my Christmas cards I thought of you my dear readers and how blessed I am to share with you another year! So this is my Christmas card to you…simple, sweet and a little silly sipping on those smoothies!

This journey has been full of much learning and joy and I am excited for our adventure to continue with you by my side!  I hope that whoever you are on the other side of this screen, you experience the loving care I put into my recipes & posts but especially that you know I am here to serve you in your health journey!

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy Healthy New Year to you and yours and May you enjoy a Spoonful of Health this Holiday Season!

With a big cyber space hug, Doc, Dawn Marie & Adriana


  😆 Click the picture of each desert to get the recipe. 😆 


“I can’t believe it is Cheesecake”…..they will say! Because there is no dairy used to give this recipe that creamy goodness. It is so delicious and nutritious you can have seconds without the guilt!



I gave that traditional peppermint bark a makeover but have no fear it is mighty decadent!



This chocolaty pudding has a surprise ingredient that packs in the nutrition! This recipe has been one of the most popular deserts on my blog and has won awards! It has also been shared among other bloggers; which is an honor in the blogging world!



This is one of my and my husbands favorites; he doesn’t normally eat desert so that says a lot! I was recently told by someone they made the crust and ate it before filling it with the banana cream part! It is one of those deserts that people are shocked it is dairy, gluten & refined sugar free!


With a Spoonful of Health,





P.S.  Thank you to the talented Kristen Stephens Photography{here she is} who captured our family pictures in between the Florida bugs biting us! Somehow we managed not to spill our green drinks all over ourselves!

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2 Comments on "Some Holiday Favorites {paleo, vegan, refined sugar & gluten free}"

  1. Raffelle December 29, 2014 at 9:07 am - Reply

    Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful recipes, Dawn!
    My husband and I are addicted to your Ginger Snaps and Muffins!

    • Dawn Rofrano December 29, 2014 at 10:13 pm - Reply

      Thank you so much for letting me know; it gives me that little extra fire to keep creating {those muffins took a few tries to just get it right}. I especially am thrilled that both you and your husband are in this together! A family that eats {healthy} together stays {fit} together! Happy New Year!!

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